Study In SriLanka & Obtain A Professional IT Job In JAPAN




Newly launched City Campus

The establishment of the City campus in Maharagama ensures easy accessibility for both students and parents, facilitating seamless visits to the campus.

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Facilities Expansion

With the launch of the City campus additional state of the art facilities were developed to improve student learning experience.

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LNBTI Cricket Fest 2023

With an enthusiastic participation of 10 energetic teams, competed for the supremacy in the Annual LNBTI Cricket tournament and the “Team Dragon Fighters” became victorious.

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"What Does Learning Mean To You?"

Is it defined by how much you can memorize? Or how well you score at an exam? At LNBTI, we believe in a philosophy beyond simply learning; a shared vision of educating the learners of today, to inspire change for a better tomorrow. LNBTI fosters the next generation of innovators in the field of computing, by nurturing creativity and the deep desire to harness technology to create a better world. As a premier higher education institute, our degree pathway programmes in IT and Software Engineering are conducted in a manner distinctively different to other institutions, drawing from the advanced technological background of our Japanese roots. As a student of LNBTI, not only will you receive world-class education, but also experience a culture that empowers you for the challenges of the future. Welcome. We make dreams possible.



After A/Ls - BSc (Hons) Software Engineering – UGC Approved


After O/Ls - BSc (Hons) Computing (Information Systems)


After A/Ls - BSc (Hons) Computing (Information Systems)


Beginners Programe on Embedded Software Technology


Advanced Program on Embedded Software Technology

Upcoming Events

News, Events & Articles

News / 14 Feb, 2025 3 days ago
Inauguration 2025
News / 30 Jan, 2025 3 weeks ago
LNBTI Japanese IT University Cricket…
News / 29 Jan, 2025 3 weeks ago
Unlocking Success: Internship Insights on…
News / 29 Jan, 2025 3 weeks ago
Celebrating Japanese Culture: A Vibrant…
Event / 31 Jan, 2025 2 weeks ago
After A/L s? AI For…
Article / 16 Jan, 2024 1 year ago
LNBTI and Japanese Delegation Meeting:…
Article / 19 Aug, 2023 2 years ago
2023 Japan Foreign Minister’s Award…
Article / 09 Feb, 2023 2 years ago
Ms. Harshani Cooray, a graduate…
Article / 17 Dec, 2022 2 years ago
The Japanese Connection & Bon…
Article / 16 May, 2021 4 years ago
Teacher Training Programme for Japanese…

Discover Your Path

At LNBTI, we believe in shaping students that not only excel academically but also progress into enterprising roles of leadership. As a new normal settles across global industries, the field of computing has transcended physical boundaries, with virtual connectivity preceding even the most basic necessities. Recent challenges have seen demand grow exponentially across several avenues in the vast field of IT; from increased cyber security to combat hacking and other cyber-attacks, to a greater reliance on AI and network-based transactions to comply with social distancing.

Demand in Japan for IT Jobs

Job opportunities in Japan

Job Opportunities in Japanese Companies in Other Countries

Demand in Japan for IT Jobs

In spite of its reputation as a technological powerhouse, Japan faces dim prospects in productivity and potential growth, owing to a declining workforce brought about by an aging population. Now, more than ever, global demand for tech talent continues to boom and Japan is no exception, with companies setting their sights overseas for brilliant minds in the field of IT. Supported by relaxed immigration policies, the need for IT engineers is also met with the complexities of a language barrier and differences in corporate culture.

Job opportunities in Japan

With a worsening labour shortage, Japan’s technological advancement seeks to be at significant risk owing to its heavy reliance on a largely digital lifestyle. In this regard, its IT sector sees nationwide demand in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Networking, Data Analysis, and App Development to name a few, with most positions requiring bi-lingual capabilities.

Job Opportunities in Japanese Companies in Other Countries

Working for a Japanese company can often be complex owing to cross-cultural differences in language and work ethics. Understanding this, students following their respective degree pathways at LNBTI, will find combined language studies and soft skill training invaluable towards an easy adjustment to the unique style of Japanese business culture.

Study in Japan for International students - by JASSO

Life @ LNBTI

Student life isn’t just about textbooks and lectures. At LNBTI, we are just as excited for you to discover life beyond the classroom! As a student, we encourage you to build friendships with your peers, demonstrate your passion for technology at our Robotics Club or engage in one of many events organized by our Student Activity Club. Whichever you choose, we ensure that our range of extra-curricular activities not only serves as a productive way of relaxing from academics but also empowers you as an individual to build networking skills essential for your personal growth and development.


      At LNBTI, we believe that investment in our facilities and learning resources leads to happier and motivated faculty and students.

      Free Study Tour to Japan

      LNBTI is proud to provide opportunities for High Achievers of each batch with a unique all-expenses paid study tour to Japan.

      Student Support

      Throughout your program of study, our Student Support Services unit ensures you get the additional support you need; be it through your lecturers or a strong network of Student Mentors.

      Career Support

      Under the purview of the Academic Board of LNBTI, all students will now have free access to the Career Guidance Unit via the institute’s Learner Management System®.

      “I have always been interested in pursuing IT in the fields of AI and Cyber Security. It was then that I heard about LNBTI which offers a broad scope of higher diploma programs which built the foundation for me to select these specialized subjects. But regular academics aside, what sets LNBTI apart from other institutions is how we learn the Japanese language, receive exposure to Japanese culture almost daily and also experience guest lectures in Japanese by Japanese professors. This integrated learning experience eventually makes for an easy transition to an actual Japanese University.”
      “I have always been interested in pursuing IT in the fields of AI and Cyber Security. It was then that I heard about LNBTI which offers a broad scope of higher diploma programs which build the foundation for me to select these specialized subjects. But apart from regular academics, what sets LNBTI apart from other institutions is how we learn the Japanese language, receive exposure to Japanese culture almost dailyand also experience guest lectures in Japanese by Japanese professors. This integrated learning experience eventually makes for an easy transition to an actual Japanese University.”
      "I’m a final year student at the University of Aizu in Japan, currently specialising in Computer Science and Engineering . It is all thanks to LNBTI and it's amazing panel of lecturers that I was able to do really well in LNBTI degree pathway, which paved the way for me to get a scholarship from the University of Aizu and the Ministry of Education in Japan (MEXT). Thank you LNBTI once again, for providing us with a good foundation, which let me pursue my dreams in great confidence.diploma, which paved the way for me to get a scholarship from the University of Aizu and the Ministry of Education in Japan (MEXT). Thank you LNBTI once again, for providing us with a good foundation, which let me pursue my dreams in great confidence. "
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