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Mar 22, 2023

Prof. Uchida’s Lecture: “Changes in Japanese Communication in the age of Heisei and Reiwa, and characteristics of Modern Language in use”

This special lecture was conducted by Prof. Tomio Uchida, from Meisei University Japan on 22nd March 2023 via Zoom.

Prof. Uchida is the Vice President of the Japan Association for Global Competency Education (JAGCE). Also, Prof Dilrukshi Rathnayaka, the Head of Modern Language Department of the University of Kelaniya joined this session as a guest commentator.

It was a very interesting lecture and the participants had a very good understanding and interest in the topic. Japanese language school teachers, Kelaniya university students and LNBTI students joined this special event.

Special gratitude goes to Prof. Ananda Kumara, the Vice Chancellor of LNBTI for organizing such events for Sri Lankan teachers and students.

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